TownView Desktop
Most Towns in Vermont are not able to afford the costs associated with purchasing GIS software and training personnel to effectively use it. In response to such difficulties, CTI developed TownView GIS, a dynamic and interactive GIS application, tailored to the specific needs of municipalities. It requires minimal introduction, is simple to use, provides a wealth of information, and is inexpensive. Many towns have effectively used TownView on public computer stations in their town offices as an effective alternative to traditional paper tax maps.
TownView is a valuable tool that can be used easily by all Town personnel to view and query property information and provides easy access to the most frequently used GIS data layers. The following is a brief listing of some of the many features offered to TownView GIS users:
Roads and road names
Surface water features
Building locations and street address numbers
Topographic contour lines and elevation labels
Terrain shading
Orthophotography images (both black & white and color)
Additional data layers can be added as requested by the Town such as:
Zoning districts, wetlands, flood hazard areas, culvert locations, etc.
TownView is a valuable tool that can be used easily by all Town personnel to view and query property information and provides easy access to the most frequently used GIS data layers. The following is a brief listing of some of the many features offered to TownView GIS users:
- View multiple layers of data such as:
Roads and road names
Surface water features
Building locations and street address numbers
Topographic contour lines and elevation labels
Terrain shading
Orthophotography images (both black & white and color)
Additional data layers can be added as requested by the Town such as:
Zoning districts, wetlands, flood hazard areas, culvert locations, etc.
- Search for one or more properties by owner name, street address or property number or any field in the Grand List
- Navigate with over 10 intuitive panning and zooming methods for the map display
- Print paper maps or save them as digital files (PDF) to use in other electronic documents or for emailing
- View associated Lister’s data for any selected parcel(s)
- Display the text as depicted on the official paper tax maps
- Identification of abutting property owners with the ability to export this data to an external document or mailing labels